Honest Ramblings

Monday, July 24, 2006

Moving Day

Well yesterday was officially moving day. I gathered 4 of my coolest friends and they all helped me move in the 30 degree heat! As one of them stated: "You truly know who your real friends are when they help you move in 30 degree weather." I must agree! Much thanks to Darla, Karyn, Michelle, and Andrew for helping me move my insane amount of stuff to my new place. Darla was baffled that I owned a BBQ and an Air Conditioner. Is that weird?? I didn't think so! Anyways, the day started off on a rather funny and awkward note. I went to my aunt and uncle's house to borrow their truck to aid me in my move. Their truck is standard. I don't drive standard, well at least not on a regular basis. So as I attempted to back it out of their very forwardly sloped driveway, I almost drove it forward through their garage door because of the incline. Ooops. So once my uncle backed it part way up the driveway for me I was off, sort of. I was kinda jerky and as I chugged out of the driveway my uncle yelled back at me"return it in one piece stacey, in one piece!!" Hehehe. I continued to drive through town in busy Sunday afternoon traffic, all the while talking to myself outloud on how to drive this standard beast. "Ok, Stacey, now clutch in, signal, turn corner, shift to 2nd, clutch out and gas...phew...ok made that one. Now clutch in shift down to 2nd for light, now into 1st, ok light is green, ummm let clutch out a bit, push gas...oh crap too much gas....engine revving...ok ummm less gas, less clutch...sputter...sputter...die! Ack! Middle of intersection....car stalled must get through intersection. Ok calm down! Don't panic! Just put the clutch in and start the truck again...ok it started...now a little gas, release clutch and.....yes! Jerk through intersection!" That is basically how every trip I made in the truck went. Although I only stalled it again once and I did return it in once piece but I make no guarantees about the quality of the clutch or transmission now. So after the truck escapade, the rest of the day went smoothly, I was all moved in and we had eaten some pizza in under 3 hours! Then we capped the evening off by raiding my aunt and uncle's back yard and swimming in their pool to cool off! It was a very productive day and I couldn't have done it without my wonderful friends!


Blogger L&D said...

Me thinks you need a bit more practice. I'll see what I can do...

I second heidi's comment: YOU HAVE A BLOG? WOW, who knew!

9:53 PM  
Blogger Woosters said...

Yayyyyy! That's so nice of all your friends!! Wish we could have been there to help... although..... I must admit it's nice that you'll already be moved when we arrive on Thursday night te he he. I think Karyn OWED you for when we were squished in the back seat helping her move. *laughs* Ah, memories! Sounds like you guys had a really fun time though! So, how are plans for Friday night going? Is anyone else able to come??? :o) :o) Can't wait to see youuuuuuu!!

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, you didn't enjoy being stuffed in a back seat with comforters, pillows and who-knows-what-all-else propped against you?? Dang, and I thought you had fun...at least the pic I have of you and Carene made it seem that way! HA HA! But yes, I severely owed you! The pool afterward was a great bonus! I had lots of fun!

12:22 PM  
Blogger L&D said...

Look at all these comments you are getting. What a popular girl you are! See, I told you eblogger was so much better than msn spaces. I'm so glad I've brought you over to the dark side... See you on Thursday. And look out people! Make way for a beautiful new blog look and links too! Wahhhhooooo. Can you stand the excitement. Ok, so it's only me. Call me dork. Or Darla. I'll answer to either.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Woosters said...

He he, no it was fun Karyn ;o) Anything for youuuu!! Just had to bring it up though!!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well stacey i must admit that i was a bit put out that you never told me that you had a blog before this new one. but not too put out. i think i'll live. It was interesting to read about the heat wave where you live, sounds crazy. And moving--wow, what an experience, I wish I could have been there! oh wait, i was. thanks for the pizza! it was actually very smooth and easy as moving goes. I can't believe how many boxes you had, but it made things quite easy. See, whenever I move I get these huge boxes that don't even fit in my car, and because I get them from the cardboard bin at work they often have pictures of raised toilet seats on them, so that's embarrassing. So it takes like 3 people to move one box, especially the ones with books, and you need a pickup for it...anyway it was fun reading your blog.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Karyn Clemens said...

It was so fun moving you(well, your stuff anyway!), that I might just have to come back to Abby againg when you move OUT of the house and IN to the actual new place! Ha ha...I don't think I'll be allowed another vacation so soon though :( Boo that.

3:29 PM  

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