Honest Ramblings

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Long Road

Well, tomorrow is race day. Yup, that's right, 13 weeks in the making will culminate tomorrow as I run my first 10k ever! It has been a long road, but arrived faster than I thought!

When I look back to 13 weeks ago when the thought of running for even one minute seemed too daunting and nearly impossible, I realize just how far I have come. I have come from physically not being able to run for a mere minute without getting tired and winded, to now being able to run for an hour without needing to stop. From running a matter of meters before needing to stop, to running 7km without needing to stop. From hating every single second of every single run, to actually craving getting out for a run and enjoying my run while I am out there doing it.

How did this happen!? When did this change happen? I can't pinpoint a single moment but suddenly I am a runner. I am a hard core runner and have run during a hail storm, in the pouring rain and in the evening after a 12 hour shift. I am noticing how the running is helping me physically as well. I have muscles in my legs that I didn't know existed! I have lost pounds and inches and just feel generally healthier.

I have been asked by many people that if after my 10k run tomorrow I will stop running. NO! I am just beginning! When I accomplish running a 10k race, I will work towards running a 10k race faster! I will keep running because I like it, and because it is helping me get in better shape.

So I am forever thankful for my best friend Darla for "coercing" me into starting running. I still don't know how she managed to convince me, but I am so thankful she did. And tomorrow when I run across the finish line of my first 10k, I know she will be there waiting for me. Waiting to congratulate me, probably with tears in her eyes, because I know she is proud of me. And I am so proud of her! We have both accomplished something huge in training for this race.

So wish me luck tomorrow as I set off to complete my first 10k run ever!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO excited for you too!!!! And proud of you! You're probably enjoying your victory now as I write this...I was so encouraged to hear that you were both doing this and have been following a bit of the journey via Running Wildly... and was so sad to hear about her legs. I want you to know that you both have been a huge encouragement to me and Lorraine as we have started running too... and are doing our very first half marathon this June. I hope your race went well and you and Darla celebrated just the same after you crossed that finish line for both of you!!!Congratulations!!!! --Amber

2:50 PM  
Blogger L&D said...

And yes, as predicted, I bawled my freaking eyes out......twice. You amaze me. I am so incredibly proud of you. Well done, hunny. I love you more than words can express.

Heres to the next 10K TOGETHER!!!!

7:44 PM  

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