Honest Ramblings

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Cool, as defined by dictionary.com is as follows: Slang for great, fine, excellent, characterized by great facility; highly skilled or clever, socially adept.

The usage of cool as a general positive epithet or interjection has been part and parcel of English slang since World War II, and has even been borrowed into other languages, such as French and German. Originally this sense is a development from a Black English usage meaning "excellent, superlative," first recorded in written English in the early 1930s.

Why do I choose such a topic to blog about. Well my friends, I have been harassed recently to update my blog and because nothing interesting has been happening in my stress filled, lives-under-a-rock nursing student life my friend Darla jokingly told me that I should blog about how cool she was. To which I replied I don't possibly have the time to explain the coolness that is Darla, but alas I will try.

I find that words are not enough to explain the awesome coolness that is Darla so I will use some visual aids to help me.

Here we see Darla at a nursing party wearing a garbage bag and lamp shade. Need I say more.

This is her coolness jumping on a VERY expensive arm chair

I am not sure what to even tell you about this other than Darla is so cool that she stuffed a squishy green chunk of plastic in her bra and paraded around the house. That screams cool!

Also at a nursing party, she brings out the always cool Walrus with licorice look!

In this visual aid, we see Darla practicing her pole dancing skills in Whistler. Can we say cool?

Here is another classic cool Darla moment shoving something down the front of her top. Oh yah! Coolness!!

Doesn't she just depict cool with her face mask and attempt at eating chocolate fondue.

And here folks, we see how cool she is by rocking the turquoise and pink mumu in Whistler at a fancy Greek restaurant.

So there you have it! The coolness herself, Darla. What else can be said that has not been said in picture form. She has been my rock throughout the last 4 years of nursing school. And it is because of her that I truly know the definition of the word cool!

Betcha didn't think I would actually post something like this did yah Darla! ;) Love you girl!


Blogger L&D said...

OH my oh my oh my. I have no words.

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree. You had at least six.

Now I know the epitomy of cool and may rest in peace.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Remind me to never get you to post a cool post about me! Love the pictures! Especially the green mask one - but there sure were a lot of doozies! :)

6:11 PM  
Blogger L&D said...

Why was I wearing a cat in those photos?

9:48 PM  

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