Honest Ramblings

Monday, May 28, 2007

Birthday Weekend in Whistler

This past weekend I celebrated my 25th birthday with 4 beautiful and fantastic friends in magnificent Whistler. We rented a hotel for the weekend and just ate, drank, partied, shopped, and slept. It was glorious! I had an amazing time and laughed sooo much.

Some of the most bizzaire things happened during the weekend!

1) Darla and I pretended to make out in the club to show up all the other people making out. She slammed me against the DJ booth and proceeded to molest me! Everyone was laughing at us.

2) I ran into my pastor at a club in Whistler while I was dancing like a geek...what are the freakin odds!? It was soo funny! He gave me money and told me happy birthday and to buy a drink on him! Lol!!

3) Darla and I were coming back from getting some ice, wearing pj's and hotel robes when we were pursued by some rather large and drunk guys down our hallway to our hotel room and one of the guys said to me "I'm gonna bite your bum, I'm not kidding hun, I'm comin and I am gonna bite it!" I fully believed him and this is when Darla and I went into panic mode and ran to our room.

All in all it was a great time. We went out for dinners, shopped all around the village, and did girly things.

Friday was our party night. The girls took me out for dinner at the Keg and then Darla and Kerris and I went to a club and showed Whistler some new dance moves! The cheese grater, martini shaker, etc!

Saturday we spent shopping and eating and drinking. In the evening we went hot-tubbing , then spent the night in our room wearing robes, doing face masks, eating chocolate fondue and watching a chick flick. It was such a fun and relaxing weekend.

Darla and I walking around at 2 am
Darla and I being "fierce" at a Mcdonald's in Squamish
Ahhh...love is in the air
Chillin in the village, we were pooped from shopping!!
Driving!! Safely of course!
Dinner at the Keg, Heidi and I
Face masks and robes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't I get invited? :)

11:28 PM  
Blogger L&D said...

Just so fun. Seriously.

And no bums were harmed in the making of this weekend.

2:49 PM  

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