Honest Ramblings

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Call me Surgical Nurse Extraordinaire

I have spent the last couple of weeks stressing about an interview that took place today. I attended a large hiring fair for student nurses to gain employment in their chosen hospital as whats called an Undergraduate Nurse. Yes, I am still a student nurse, but I have the majority of the knowledge and skills to work as an Undergrad on a hospital ward.

I spent yesterday in the psych ward, as part of my clinical rotation not as a patient :), for a VERY long 12 hour shift. As I was there I had more than enough time to dwell on the fact that my summer job and future of my nursing experience hinged on my doing well in my interview. I was rather panicked. I managed to get myself pretty worked up and rather stressed out. After my 12 hour shift I came home and was so physically exhausted I could hardly keep my eyes open and it was only 8 p.m. Yeesh! Yet, somehow as I went about my lazing around in front on the T.V. for an hour to get my mind off the impending stress of the next day I became WIDE AWAKE!

I spent the first few hours after I went to bed lying on my back and staring at the ceiling wondering what it would be like to be the only one who didn't get hired at the hiring fair. Eeek! Ok, so that is the worst case scenario but I still went there.

When I woke up this morning though I had a strange sense of calm. Praise the LORD! But as I drove to the hiring fair with two other classmates my nerves began to act up again and I could feel my heart beating faster. My anxiety was anything but subdued when I arrived at the hiring fair and ended up having to wait almost 4 hours to get my interiew!

When my name was finally called my heart tried to jump out of my chest! As I was escorted to the interviewing table, the lading escorting me asked me a strange question: "You wouldn't happen to be Marina's daughter would you?" "Ummm, yes" I answered, "I am actually." This lady turned out to be my mothers old boss from when she worked on the surgical floor. Then as we arrived at my interview table she introduced me to my interviewer and then proceeded to say:

"I was totally right! This is Marina's daughter!!"

The women who was doing my interview was my mothers current boss in emergency! What a small world! So right then and there all my anxiety disappeared and I was able to sit calmly and answer all her 4, yes 4 pages of questions. The interview lasted just over 30 mins but to me the time flew by! At the end of the interview the women stood up and shook my hand and said that she thought I would make a wonderful addition to the surgical ward.


What a relief! It is a wonderful feeling knowing that I am finally going to get paid to do what I love and get so much great experience while I am doing it! I cannot wait to start.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe we got hired???!!!! I swear my interview was only 10 minutes but it was probably a lot longer but it really flew by!!!!! It's such a huge weight off our shoulders!!!!!! They said we're probably going to get about 400 hours, but I'm just wondering how many hours we'll actually be alloted...

12:17 AM  
Blogger L&D said...

Hey you NURSE you! You're a sexy nurse and I'd let you nurse me anytime. I can say nurse more times....just you wait, you nurse.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Karyn Clemens said...

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!! Ok, so I'm happy for you :) *wink*

4:07 PM  
Blogger Matt said...


1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacey, I have also stumbled upon your blog in the past through Andrew's links. Congrats about your job! Being a surgical nurse is intense!
- Michael

3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

9:09 AM  

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