Honest Ramblings

Monday, February 11, 2008

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Police Department

I thought I would just share about something funny that happened to me the other day at my local police department.

I went into my local police station the other day to inquire about getting some information about Ecstasy as I am doing a group project with 2 girls from my nursing class where we are presenting about this topic in my local mall during a "health fair".

As I walked in, I was the only one there so I preceded to walk up to the counter where a young looking pretty blond girl was standing there loudly chewing her gum. (Sorry about the stereo type, but it's true!!) I stepped up to the window and asked her this question:

"I was wondering if there would be someone available to talk to about drugs, specifically Ecstasy to get some information from?"

Her response:

"Ummmmm, we don't sell that here."

Yup, that's what she said. No word of a lie! Did y'all know that the police department doesn't sell Ecstasy!? Who knew!!

I was thrown for a minute. I stood there, my mouth gaping open, staring at her like an alien was popping out of her head. I then gathered my thoughts and without laughing in her face I said:

"Uh...I think you misunderstood me, I am wanting to talk to someone about getting information about Ecstasy to use in my nursing health fair at the end of the month...you know...like pamphlets or something..."

Her response:

"Ummm yah, I don't think there is anyone here right now that can help you with that, sorry."

I thanked her and walked out of the police station completely dumbfounded. I am not sure how she got that job...maybe it was bring your ditsy teenage daughter to work day, or maybe that was her punishment for a crime, serve community service at the police department answering questions...but whatever it was she was not the brightest person I have ever dealt with.

I will return to the police station tomorrow maybe and hope that there is someone slightly smarter there to speak with.

At least I know now that you can't buy drugs from the police station and I can look elsewhere if I choose to take up a drug addiction.


Blogger L&D said...


Hey, you want some E?
Try the neighbourhood health unit. I hear they have a real good deal.

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to know a guy who knew a guy...
Interesting story.

8:23 PM  

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