Honest Ramblings

Monday, May 28, 2012

Oh no! The BIG 3-0!

Yes folks, it happened. I turned 30 a few days ago. The weeks leading up to my 30th birthday were busy, so it kept my mind off the big event. But when I did think about it, I got a bit anxious. Why you ask? I am not sure! 30 somehow seems like such a big deal. I am no longer in my twenties, that must mean that I am old now. I am going to have to act more like an adult. My twenties were an amazing time of learning and growth for me. I earned by bachelors degree of Registered Nursing, did my Emergency and Trauma Care specialty, bought a condo, and bought a car. I trained for and ran in my first 10k race. I made amazing friendships that will last my life time.  And, near the end of my 20's I started dating the man I fell in love with and traveled to Africa with him. So my twenties were very good to me. So therefore, I have been pondering some things that will be good about being 30...here is my top 10 list:

10) I know who I am and am confident in myself

9) I have another whole decade to enjoy being in my "30's"

8) Just because I am 30 doesn't mean that I am now too old to laugh hysterically with Darla at things that most people do not find funny.

7) I can talk to people in their 20's with an air of wisdom, I mean I am 30 after all.

6) At 30 I have a steady, well paying career that I love

5) I own my own place and my own car

4) in my 30's I will hopefully get married and start a family

3) I have an amazing boyfriend

2) by 30 I have traveled to a different continent, and many different countries

And....the number one thing that is good about being 30............

1) I don't look 30. In fact, I get ID'd all the time!

So there you have it. I now belong to the thirty-something crowd. So move over thirty-somethings, I am diving in!