Honest Ramblings

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What on Earth!?

My friend Matt came across a strange website the other day and posted this on his blog and I was totally speechless. What kind of website would produce such garbage.


So I decided to visit the website and see what else was on there. Here is something else I found.

Culture of Life logo

Culture of Life

Show your proud membership in the Culture of Life.

Sex should only be used for the procreation of life inside of marriage. Condoms and other forms of so-called "birth control" serve no other purpose than to encourage promiscuity and promote the Culture of Death. Every sperm has the potential to become a Christian and so each should be considered sacred. Remember: A condom stops an undulating flagellum.

You can go to the website and purchase t-shirts, coffee mugs, boxer shorts etc with this slogan and picture on it!

Huh?? "Sex should only be used for the procreation of life inside of marriage. Condoms and other forms of so-called "birth control" serve no other purpose than to encourage promiscuity and promote the Culture of Death."

What?? I don't even know where these people get this stuff?? Yes God created sex, and yes he wants it to be saved for marriage, but where is the idea that sex is reserved solely for the purpose of procreation!!? It scares me that this kind of information is out there on a Christian website geared for children. What kind of diluted ideas are they giving these kids. No wonder Christians get such a bad reputation. This embarrasses me!

I also found this little tidbit in the online store:

Baby Jesus Anti-Fornication Thong
Baby Jesus Anti-Fornication Thong

The words under the picture of a creepy looking "baby Jesus" are:

"Why haste thou forsaken me?"
How would you answer the Baby Jesus?

I don't even know what to say to such garbage!! A baby Jesus Anti-fornication thong? What on earth is this world coming to? Christian propaganda has gone way too far!

Just a reminder: A condom stops an undulating flagellum!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My New Do!

I have put off getting my hair done for many months now. Mainly because of laziness and lack of cash! Yesterday on a whim, and because my mangy hair was really starting to get to me, I just booked an appointment.

I arrived at the hair dresser, one I had never been to, but she had been recommended by a good friend. I told her I wanted a major change and to please do something, ANYTHING, to make my hair look better.

She foiled me with two different colors, a highlight, and a low light, and then she cut it! CUT IT GOOD! I gave her free reign and I absolutely love it! What do you all think??


AFTER: this is the flat ironed straitened look