Honest Ramblings

Monday, July 14, 2008



Those are words that most people can't wait to hear. Especially from a potential employer. Something I too have longed to hear.

From as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a nurse. This has come to fruition as I have endured nearly 4 years of nursing school which will come to an end in December, finally! (Not soon enough!!) Following completion of school one then must go on the path to finding a job in one's chosen career. I definitely have an advantage due to my career choice of nursing and the major shortage.

With that said, you still have to put yourself out there and look for a job. Most nurses can easily get a job in an entry level nursing position such as on a general medical or surgical ward to gain experience. It is quite another thing to get a job in a specialty area with no training.

I had a meeting with my emergency manager this past week with my best friend working with me in the ER, Darla. We had a great conversation about our options in the ER. The meeting ended with my manager saying to Darla and I that we can consider ourselves HIRED! Yup, that's right, hired as an emerg nurse! And it gets even better! In order to become a critical care ER nurse you must take specialty training, for 6 months post graduation, which is rather pricey. However, I will not be paying for the schooling because the health authority will because they need nurses so bad!! I will also get paid full time wages while I am going to school. And I get to do all this with my favorite nursing gal by my side!! Pretty much the sweetest deal I can think of!

So to me, this situation is true fulfillment as I have wanted to be an emerg nurse for almost as long as I have wanted to be a nurse. God is good and I can't wait to start the next chapter in my life!!