Honest Ramblings

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sense of "Impending DOOM"!

In my pathophysiology class yesterday we were covering defects of the heart. When we began to talk about the topic of heart attacks, my teacher mentioned that most people who are at the early stage of a heart attack will experience a crushing feeling in their chest, and a sense of "impending doom". This is strange to me because I am sure I was not having a heart attack on Monday after my patho class, but as soon as my teacher began to hand back our exams from last week, that I wrote about most likely failing, I began to get a crushing feeling in my chest, and a feeling of "impending doom", it's amazing how a simple thing like getting back an exam can cause one to feel symptoms of a heart attack. Well anyways, I am happy to report that I did not in fact fail my first exam ever, I passed, I didn't ace it by any means but I passed, and I passed with a nice little cushion of a grade so in case I don't do so hot on the next exam, I have some leeway with my grade. Phew.....*sigh*...crushing chest pain subsiding....feeling of "impending doom" fading, until the next exam that is!


Blogger Duane Clemens said...

Oh Stacey...of course you didn't fail! You have to look at it logically, failing would mean you knew less than 50% of your materials and you're too dedicated a student to not know that. It also means that you only paid attention 50% of the time in class (which may in fact be the case!).

Good to hear your impending doom is past. A word of advice from someone who's done school...The less you worry, the better you'll do.


8:41 AM  
Blogger Woosters said...

*laughing* You are SO funny! I'm glad you didn't fail your test and that you didn't actually have a heart attack. I'm a hypocondriac, so even without the stres of getting a test back.. all this talk about "impending doom" is making me a little nervous. *grins*

9:41 AM  

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